Thursday, November 12, 2009

Charlie the cat man comes to visit

Charlie understands cats and they understand him. Here he is with Royce, both observing the same thing.

Royce needed a good brushing. Charlie gave it to him.

A bit later, little Wry came along, carrying socks.

Little Wry raises the socks into the air. What do you think he is thinking? What will happen next?

Good grief! Royce is wearing socks!

Royce goes to Tryskuit.

Royce and Tryskuit.

Royce relaxes by himself for awhile. Where is Charlie?

Why, Charlie is with Jim!


momsbusy said...

it is good to see that royce is doing well. little wry is growing up so fast. royce is so patient with wry. i don't know of another cat that would allow a child to put socks on their feet. so tell us more about charlie the cat man.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Gotta love a guy that loves cats! And the beard...wooohooo.

Ikaika said...

We love cat guys! And that was so cute with Wry putting socks on his buddy, Royce! Royce is such a sweet old guy ...

Team Tabby said...

Charlie seems a charming fellow, he likes cats after all. Royce is so indulgent towards Wry's wanting to put the socks on him. We like the portrait you made of Royce too.

Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike

Grahamn Kracker said...

Momsbusy - Yes, it has been an amazing thing to see how loving and tolerant Royce has been toward Wry. Click on the Charlie link and you will see more about him.

Zss - Yeah, we all love Charlie.

Ikaika - He is sweet, indeed.

TT - I'm pleased to say that Royce likes the portrait, too, even though he is completely unaware of it.

Unknown said...

Royce is so sweet with Wry. I hope they can enjoy each others' company much much longer.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Of course Royce ended up wearing socks. He must accommodate his buddy who is obviously worried that his kitty paws are chilly. How very thoughtful little Wry is.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Rhonda Lanier said...

Love your blog!! Your cat Royce looks like the famous Library Cat, Dewey Readmore Books from Iowa. He is a fascinating cat too. If you haven't you should read the book.