The month of April is typically very cold in the Arctic coast village of Wainwright, Alaska. Two years ago in April, Cora Akpik made a visit to the nearest city, Barrow, 97 miles away. She learned that her grown daughter had a cat that she had been unable to care for, so she had taken it to the vet for safe keeping until it could find a new home.
Cora had never had a cat before, but she decided to make her home the cat's home.
As is the case in most of Alaska, no roads link the Arctic communities to each other and so Cora had to fly home, along with her grandchildren, Nellie and Clyde, who you see here.
The cat, who did not yet have a name, flew along in a cat carrier.

Cats are not common animals on the Arctic Slope. Wolverines are. For all she knew, a wolverine had just jumped on her. Polar bears are also common in the Arctic. Maybe it was a polar bear. A real tiny one - tiny, but mean. The woman screamed and screamed.
Then she discovered that it was a cat. Everything was alright after that.

She looked out the window. The sky was blue, cold and clear above the snow-blown tundra and the ice-covered ocean. The sun shone brightly.
"Siqñiq!" she said in Iñupiaq.
Thus, Siqñiq was named.

Fortunately, no one who has ever entered the house has posed any threat at all to Cara Ann. Everybody who enters loves Cara Ann.
Siqñiq has never actually had to attack anyone.
But she scrutinizes everybody - including me.
Glad I passed!

Nobody who I talked to could think of a single other cat living in Wainwright today. Siqniq may be the only one.
I did not meet any cat in Point Lay, the village that I visited just before Wainwright.
I expect to be back in the Arctic for most all of July. Anyone who wishes to follow my travels can click right here:
What an unique name~!
Siqñiq. also very beautiful~ I can see why everyone loves her~~
Siqniq is beautiful, and it was lovely to read how she got to her home. We had to laugh at her leaping on to the woman's back on the plane imagining her to be some wild animal.
When our humans flew from Seattle to Anchorage, they were surprised to see all the pets queueing to get on the plane with their owners. It must be much better for them to fly in the main body of the plane, and not in the hold as they do here.
It's hard to imagine a place with no kitties!
what an amazing story! Soon EVERYBODY will want a kittie!!
they wont be able to resist..
Looks like you all have your hand full up there and are having tons of fun!!!
She is lovely. Did she really allow the rope attached to her neck be pulled? My cats will fight it off
thought of you of course!
what a beautiful name. it is hard to imagine a place with only one cat as i have always had many cats in my life.
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