I heard a knock upon my door the other evening and opened it to find two Mormon missionaries standing upon the porch. So I invited them in to meet the cats. Here they are, the young Elder Smith and the young Elder Wadsworth, posing with Royce, who is very old, even though he is younger than they.
Muzzy comes to get in the picture.
He terrifies the missionaries, so I have to take him to the garage.
Martigny comes to bless them with her presence. The missionaries wanted to baptize the two cats, but both refuse. Mormons believe in total immersion. These cats will not be immersed.

Wry and Royce.
Some of you may have already discovered that that other Wasilla blogger in the parallel universe has posted pictures identical to these on his blog.
He does things like that, sometimes. It makes me very angry.
I punched him in the nose, once, but the blow broke my own nose, so now I just let him get away with it.
Royce is such a polite cat. But I too would draw the line at immersion.
It's no secret that I adore water, but I too would draw the line at total immersion.
hmmmm, i am wondering if there are any mormon cats. total immmersion & cats would not go over very well at my house.
Royce is such an ambassador.
Wasilla and Cracker are playing cats and dog game when the real dog and cats refused.lol
May have to spend some time checking this out.
Currently, we are cat-less. However, the cats that owned us certainly would rather have gone straight to hell than allow themselves to be immersed. Our cats were heathens, by Mormon standards, I suppose.
Oh, and yeah, that Bill guy who steals your pictures? Well, that would provoke me too, but violence is not good, unless he is trying to baptize a cat (then it would simply be his due). Do not punch him in the nose. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. He is jealous of your blog, that's all.
We wish you a healthy and happy new year 2010!
Thought of you:
Royce is a gorgeous kittie. We're hoping he is still with you. An earlier post noted he is getting on in years.
Lee County, I'm afraid that I have neglected this blog because I keep another and doing two just got to be too much. I must update this sooner or later.
I'm afraid Royce has left us. You can find the story on my other blog, here:
I love your blog, and would like to help you get the word out. I'll post it on my Facebook. Look in the "design" section and add a Subscribe button. I would have subscribed if I'd been able to!
Good luck to you. I'm about to go read about Royce, and probably cry.
If you have a Facebook, find me...plenty of cats there!
I have a good friend who is Mormon, and he tells me that not only will our pets be in "heaven" (their version thereof) but they will be able to talk and we will finally be able to ask them all the things we wonder about as we gaze into their eyes. I love that thought. :-)
it always amuses me that these teenage boys are called "elders"
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
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