Romeo's vet was at a complete loss to explain it, at least in medical terms. "It's a miracle," was the only explanation she could think of, "Romeo is our Christmas miracle."
So what made the difference?
Was it the fact that in what was supposed to be his final days, Diane continually bathed Romeo in love and affection, even as she administered the drugs and liquids, some of them sub-cutaneously, that were not intended to save him but only to make his passing easier?
Diane Benson thinks she knows. Her son was about to go to war, to be sent into the very heart of battle. She was against the war. She even stood on the street and protested it. She did not want him to go. But there was nothing she could do to stop it, to keep her son safe at home. She had no choice but to stay home in Chugiak, Alaska, and bear the worry and the pain. If she could at least have her best friend present with her - to curl up on her lap as she sat watching every minute of news, to lie beside her face on the bed at night and soothe her with his purr, it would give her courage.
She needed her best friend to help her bear the coming ordeal.
Diane felt that at a level that science cannot measure, Romeo understood that she needed him and so he decided to stay around to help her out.
*I did not have the time to make the full post that I last said would comprise part 2 of 4, yet it did not seem fair to me to make readers wait any longer to learn that Romeo survived his terminal illness. Therefore, this is now a five part series and I plan to continue on with it tomorrow, or maybe the day after.
Hey there!
I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping out StandTall!!
That was very nice of you to do!
All Nigerians are not scammers and deceivers and I am pleased that you know that and are willing to be a helping hand!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Minister L. Vazquez
Hi again!
I posted my thanks to you and I didn't mention Romeo!!
I am so happy that this was a miracle!!
I remind the church folks that God used a donkey to speak and HE WILL use animals for a divine purpose in someone's life.
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
You right about us, we had to come back and find out what happened. We were biting our nails..er claws. What a relief to find out about Romeo's Christmas miracle. No other explanation, is there? Wonderful story, and more to come!
Mindy & Moe
Thank, Lisa.
I like the sound of that trumpet!
This makes me want to cry!
This is really a miracle....
I think there is something between going on at their frontlives, makes them get together this life and God might want them together for longer time :)
Well...this thinking is unusual,
but I like thinking of this way.
This is a very beautiful story~!!!
I just love it and read it again!!
Team Tabby - I am glad that you came back and I am also sorry that my spam filter screened your comment out for two days before I found it and set it free.
michico*adan, my spam filter snatched your comment, too, but for a much shorter time bfore I found it.
I think I will change the comments so that they just pop up without me having to take a look at them.
Heidi - A tear or two would be okay.
What a beautiful story. Animals know and understand so much more than most realize. I've often been sad over the past 6 years but the sweet little dog, who I took in to foster for a couple of weeks and ended up keeping, won't let me stay that way. He licks my tears away and makes me laugh. He refuses to leave my side. People think he is spoiled. They're wrong. I'm the one who is spoiled.
PS Just found your blogs tonight. I love them.
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